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Data scientist vs full stack developer: Which one to choose?

Data scientist vs full stack developer

Are you confused while choosing the right career path between data scientist vs full stack developer? You are one of many others who feel the same way! Don’t worry much! Picking the most suitable career between these two is like riding a boat in a storm. 

Let’s discover the key differences between data scientists and full-stack developers such as their roles & responsibilities, required skills, future scope, and must-known programming languages in this blog post. This blog post will assist you in having a deep understanding of the core features of both so that you can choose the correct one for your forthcoming career. So, hold on and explore the world of website building and coding. 

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Who is a Data Scientist?

Data science is a multidisciplinary area that uses scientific methods, algorithms, and procedures to gather vital information and useful insights from unstructured and organized data. Then, they use that information in a range of functional areas. Data scientists deal with large computer databases to get data and modify codes to gather vital information. 

These individuals make required suggestions to those in leadership job roles by using their mathematical as well as analytical skills. Data scientists have job opportunities in the fields of government organizations, IT, healthcare, and e-commerce. In some cases, they also took jobs in social media companies, and their job is to apply user data accurately according to their interests, habits, and behavioral patterns. If you have any of the above qualities or you have an interest in identifying the patterns of data to understand user behavior, you should choose this job field. 

Who is a full-stack developer?

An IT person who designs new web applications is referred to as a full-stack developer. They are responsible for creating website servers, large databases, and finer user interfaces and generating code for mobile websites. A full-stack developer works both on the back-end and front-end of the web application. A full-stack developer works on the front end to make them user-friendly so that users can use the application smoothly. Along with that, they also work on the back-end part to collect, restore, and process large amounts of data.

If you want to become an expert full-stack developer, you can join W3 Web School’s full-stack development course

Major differences among Data scientists vs full stack developer

Let’s explore which one is the best career option by making a comparison between Data scientist vs full stack developer to gain an understanding of the skills, roles and responsibilities, salary, scope, and programming languages of both!

Skills: Data scientist vs full stack developer

Both the areas of data science and front-end development have been gaining so much popularity these days. Do you ever think of the skills that a data scientist and front-end developer need to become an expert in this booming field? Both of them need unique skill sets, which include computing languages, computer knowledge, website knowledge, and a deep understanding of domains. Let’s explore the different skills while comparing data scientist vs full-stack developer.

Data Scientist Skills

The major skills a data scientist should possess are stated below only to clear your doubts. 

  • The first and foremost skill a data scientist should possess is to perform mathematical as well as statistical analysis. Data scientists must have the ability to recognize data patterns and come to a suitable conclusion following that pattern. 
  • Data Scientists should have a good understanding of the domain in which they work. They can understand the business context and are capable of maintaining a smooth interaction with the stakeholders.
  • Data Scientists must know programming languages, run simulations and handle complex algorithms and large datasets.
  • The data scientist should be able to think critically so that they can recognize data patterns and make wise decisions accordingly.
  • A Data scientist should communicate effectively while conveying their ideas to people who come from non-technical fields to take a recommendation-based action.
  • Machine learning is another major skill that a data scientist should have. This helps them boost their data processing ability, which leads them to make accurate predictions.
  • Data visualization is another vital skill necessary for a data scientist, which helps them interpret large sets of numerical data in various graphs and data charts.

Full Stack Developer Skills

Some of the key skills a full stack developer should hold are discussed here to answer your queries regarding the topic’ data scientist vs full stack developer. 

  • A full-stack developer must be able to handle the web architecture proficiently. The designing and creating knowledge of a full-stack developer assists them in making user-friendly and user-interactive web applications. 
  • Full-stack developers have a comprehensive knowledge of a variety of programming languages, such as JavaScript, Python, Java, and PHP, which enable them to apply them accordingly.
  • A full-stack developer should have a thorough knowledge of different databases like MongoDB, MySQL, and Cassandra. This skill helps them to understand where to store data and when and how to query to get them when needed. 
  • Last but not least, you can add problem-solving skills as a mandatory skill for a full-stack developer. The problem-solving skill assists them in solving daily challenges they face in developing websites and applications. 

Role & Responsibilities: Data scientist vs full stack developer

You can notice a number of significant differences between the roles and responsibilities of a data scientist vs a stack developer. Let’s find out those fascinating facts!

You can imagine data scientists to be the genius who deals with today’s vital data. In order to gain important information and solve complex issues, their major roles and responsibilities include gathering, processing, and assessing a huge amount of data. To recognize hidden trends and patterns in the data, they use complex algorithms and statistical technologies. Data scientists are seen as the experts in turning unprocessed data into useful insights, whether it is for predicting consumer behavioural patterns or streamlining business strategies.

The various roles and responsibilities of a full-stack developer include developing codes for server-site elements of the website, giving suggestions for enhancing speed, user interface, and dependability, and developing an application programming interface. Other roles and responsibilities include collaboration with graphic designers, developers, and external clients, server and database creation, testing them on various platforms to check compatibility, and writing error codes for the back end as well as the front end. Ensuring the security and scalability of a website also comes under the major roles and responsibilities of a full-stack developer.

Programming Languages: Data scientist vs full stack developer

In today’s tech-savvy world, languages are not used just for human-human communication! There are plenty of programming languages that are specially made for making human-computer communication easier. Both the full-stack developer and data scientist should learn those programming languages and apply them in different ways to conquer their separate field of profession. Let’s discover the different programming languages that can differentiate between Data scientist vs full-stack developer. 

A data scientist deals with several programming languages, such as R and Python, in their field of work. They can make large pieces of complex data easier to understand with the help of these programming languages, unfolding the current patterns and stories that are contained within those complex data. Each line of code feels like solving a riddle!

On the contrary, full-stack developers use a huge variety of programming languages to design attractive and engaging applications as well as websites. They also use databases such as SQL to store vital data, HTML and CSS to develop websites, and JavaScript to make websites interactive for users. It is quite the same as building a house, brick by brick, where each programming language is a must thing to construct the entire framework.

Future Scope: Data scientist vs full stack developer

Full-stack developers and data scientists are the two major and highly demanding professional career options currently. Both these technical job roles have a huge number of opportunities and scope in this fastest-growing tech-savvy world. The demand for seasoned full-stack developers and data scientists is growing as a huge number of organizations use technology to drive their business. There are significant differences between scopes, which can help you choose the correct one among data scientist vs. full-stack developer.

The US Bureau of Labor Statistics has shown that data scientists’ jobs are projected to grow by 35% within 2032. You can see how fast the job market has been changing, and there are more than 17,700 openings for data scientists each year. You have already heard about Statista, and their reports have published that there are more than 18,000 job openings in data science in the BFSI sector. 

Some popular reports showed that full-stack developers are in high demand. The number of full-stack developers is increasing by 35% annually. Furthermore, you will see a professional career growth of 275 in this sector, and the total number of professionals might reach 853,000+ by 2024. 

Data scientist vs full stack developer: Salary

You can notice a minor difference between the salaries of a data scientist and a full-stack developer. The salary of a data scientist and full-stack developer highly depends on the job location. Companies that reside in the tech city of Bangalore offer higher salary packages than companies in Delhi, Kolkata, and Mumbai. A data scientist can earn up to 7 LPA at the beginning of their professional career.

On the other hand, a full-stack developer can get up to 5 LPA while starting their career. Journey in this particular field. Bangalore offers the highest salary packages to a full-stack web developer, and it starts from 7 LPA. 

Certifications: Data scientist vs full stack developer

Certifications are not always the top priority for building a career as a full-stack developer and a data scientist. Still, it enhances the opportunities you can get in these two demanding job fields to get a secure and fulfilling career. 

Some of the major professional certifications of a data scientist are advanced programs in data science, certified big data engineering, certified business analyst, certified IT specialist, and a post-graduate diploma in data science. 

You can consider the following some major professional certifications of a full-stack developer: full-stack web developer, full-stack cloud developer, full-stack web developer nanodegree, and certification on full-stack web development with react specialization. 

What is the best option for beginners: data scientist vs. full stack developer?

Selecting to start a professional career in full-stack web development is similar to entering into an endless field of opportunities! You will strengthen the skills that are highly demanding in today’s digital landscape by learning the ways to develop and design stunning websites and apps from scratch. You can address practical challenges and let your creativity flow, and you can also start your projects by employing full-stack development. 

On the contrary, Data science offers remarkable opportunities to assess and understand the industry with the help of data. The skills to find innovative insights and have a major impact on a large number of domains are also provided by this field. Whichever field attracts your attention will be beneficial to you differently!

Picking a suitable career can be very difficult for anyone who is confused between the comparison of full-stack developer vs data scientist. Comparisons between the full-stack developer and data scientist have explored various aspects of these two demanding job roles of the contemporary digital world. A full-stack web development course is considered the most cost-effective skill development course, rather than data science, which increases the chances for job seekers to pick this specific course. 

FAQs on Data scientist vs full stack developer
Whose earning is more if you compare data scientist vs full-stack developer?

In Bangalore, data scientists earn more than the full-stack developer. A data scientist can earn up to 7 LPA in India at the beginning of their career. Skills such as machine learning and data analysis have offered them the opportunity to get high-salary jobs.

What are the major roles and responsibilities of a full-stack developer?

A full-stack developer is responsible for handling both the front end and back end at the same time to develop catchy and interactive websites and web applications. Maintaining good server performance is also one of the key roles and responsibilities of a full-stack developer.

What are the major roles and responsibilities of a data scientist?

A data scientist is assigned the responsibilities of analyzing difficult data sets, building machine learning models, and offering vital information that helps in making insightful techniques and decisions.

Is full-stack development better than data science?

The supremacy heavily depends on individual preferences and career objectives. Data science offers the opportunity to gather thorough data analysis, whereas Full-stack development provides flexibility and the opportunity to work on domains. You can choose any of them according to your choice, preferences and career objectives.