Top 30+ Most Asked Front-end Developer Interview Questions For 2024

Front-end Developer Interview Questions are sometimes challenging, especially with the rapidly changing tech landscape of 2024.
Feeling worried by the thought of your following front-end web development interview? You are not alone here. The majority of candidates struggle hard to decide which topics they should prepare to impress hiring managers.
In this blog post, I am going to offer the Top 30+ common Fron End Developer Interview Questions customized for both newcomers & expert professionals. Front End development comprised of various technologies such as CSS, HTML, ReactJS, JavaScript, Bootstrap & more!
Here, I have prepared a list of common front-end developer interview questions, including various topics on different web development levels. Whether you are a newcomer or an experienced developer in Front End, these Fron End Developer Interview Questions will guide you in cracking your following web development interviews.
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Table of Contents
30+ Most Asked Front-end Developer Interview Questions
I am here to help you to get ready for your upcoming front-end developer interviews. Check out my specially curated list of 30+ key front-end developer interview questions. Find out what topics to prepare, what practices to nurture & how to handle tricky questions.
Q1. What is a Version Control System?
Version Control System refers to the tool that helps you monitor modifications in your code. It enables front-end developers to work on the same web development project without any modifications.
Through this version control system, you can track your made changes, when changes were made & get back to the original version if required.
A famous example of the version control system is Subversion (SVN) & Git. This helps in managing codes effectively & allows easy collaboration between developers & entire system.
Q2. What do you mean by meta tags in HTML?
Meta tags refer to the snippets of texts that are generally very brief descriptions of the content of a web page. These are placed under the HTML head tag. Meta tags are very crucial for browsers & these are always in the value pairs or names.
Meta tags consist of data related to document title, encoding & character description. These are generally not displayed on the web page but are displayed on the web browser.
Meta tags help search engines get a clear idea about the web content and help boost overall SEO scores.
Q3. What are some of the most frequently used Git commands & functions?
Some of the most frequently used Git Commands are as follows, along with their functions:
- Git inits: This specific Git command is applied to start a new & local Git repository.
- Git Add: This specific Git command is applied to add one or multiple files to the staging area.
- Git Commit: This specific Git command is applied to save changes to the head section except for the remote repository.
- Git Merge: This specific Git command is applied to merge a brand with an active brand.
- Git Diff: This specific Git command is applied to see the modifications made in the file.
- Git Push: This Git command is applied to upload content from a local repository to a remote repository.
- Git Pull: This particular Git command is applied to deliver & download content from a repository that is remote.
- Git Status: This Git command is applied to show the status of the working directory & staging area.
- Git Config: This particular Git command is applied to configure the email address & username.
- Git Reset: This is applied to undo the modifications to the previous state of a Git repo.
- Git Clone: This specific Git command is applied to copy a repository.
Q4. Can you name and explain some basic design elements?
Some essential design elements are:
- Line: Line refers to the mark made by any brush or pen when different or similar shapes meet.
- Typography: This involves different font styles & sizes impacting readability.
- Size: Size is the specific area occupied by one shape with the other.
- Color: Color element creates impact on branding & mood.
- Texture: Texture refers to the surface of the shapes, such as glossy, smooth, complex, and more.
- Shape: A shape relates to the area of a geometric structure.
Q5. How is JavaScript different from jQuery?
JavaScript is a programming language that helps a website become more user-intuitive. While jQuery is a library made up of JavaScript programming language, it helps to simplify standard functionalities such as animations & managing simple events.
JavaScript offers the primary functionality, whereas jQuery provides easily accessible methods to boost development & decrease the complexity of codes. The jQuery tool boosts JavaScript functionality.
Q6. What do you mean by Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)?
Cross-site scripting refers to the security measures enabling attackers to insert malicious content into the web pages viewers see. This can cause data piracy or unauthorized access to vital data.
Web applications that are not properly validated or filtered user input are at risk of XSS attacks. Testing & encrypting user input is an essential part of safeguarding against XSS.
Q7. What does SOLID stand for in front-end web development?
The Term “SOLID” is the acronym for the most popular five object-oriented design principles, where “S” stands for Single responsibility principle, “O” stands for open-closed principle, and “L” stands for Liskov substitute principle, “I” stands for Interface segregation principle & “D” stands for Dependency Inversion Principle.
The “Single responsibility principle.” highlights a class must have only one reason to modify. The “open-closed principle” states that software elements must be open for extension but entirely closed for any changes. The “Liskov substitute principle” states that objects must be replaceable with examples of their subtypes.
The “Interface segregation principle” states that clients must not be pushed to rely on interfaces that are not used.
The “Dependency Inversion Principle” states the dependency over abstractions but not on solid implementations.
Q8. What is Load Balancing?
Load balancing refers to the technique that distributes workload over various clusters or machines. The most popular load-balancing algorithm is Round Robin. It is well distributed in circular order and allows all machines to get a similar number of requests.
The major motives of load balancing are to gain maximum throughput, optimize resource usage & minimize the total response time.
Some popular load-balancing techniques in web applications include Session affinity or sticky session, round robin & IP address affinity.
This load-balancing technique ensures that no single server becomes overloaded or underloaded & helps to boost the reliability & overall performance.
Q9. What do you mean by Content security policy?
Content Security Policy refers to the specific security measure that aids in avoiding malware attacks, XSS attacks, or other code insertion attacks by imposing an allowlist of popular sources like stylesheets, scripts, images & other resources.
The significant advantages of applying a Content Security Policy (CSP) are:
- Higher security: It offers website protection against different kinds of malware attacks, such as data insertion or XSS.
- Better compliance: CSP helps a web application to offer security compliance demands like those outlined in OWASP Top 10.
- Higher Control: With the help of this policy, front-end developers can highlight effective policies to manage the sources from which content should be loaded.
Q10. Can you explain the concept of ClickJacking?
ClickJacking refers to a security attack where a hacking site fools users by clicking on a link or button to assume that they are clicking on something else. The attacks usually happen in HTML frames.
Transparent or hidden elements are usually layered over genuine materials to accomplish this. In the event that a user clicks something else while thinking they are clicking a button on an authentic website, for example, their safety may be hampered.
You can use Frame-busting processes and accurate security headers to stop ClickJacking.
Q11. Can you explain some ways to increase page loading time?
There are different options or functions you should conduct to increase the page loading speed, and they are;
- The first & foremost thing you need to do is image optimization by compressing them precisely or decreasing the size of the images.
- You must allow the browser to cache by storing the static files in the user’s browser.
- Reduce the total server response time by incorporating faster servers & backend code optimization.
- You can combine files like JS or CSS files to reduce HTTP requests.
- You can also implement content delivery networks or CDNs to distribute web content to the servers that are nearer.
- Start reducing the number of redirects.
- You should minimize the lookups to increase the page loading speed.
Q12. What do you mean by Grid system in CSS?
CSS Grid system refers to the two-dimensional layout system or structure for the web application that is placed both vertically & horizontally. Two major components of a Grid System are columns and rows. This aids you to organize your web content into columns & rows & offers multiple features to simplify the web layouts.
Some other popular components of the CSS Grid system are;
- Grid Lines
- Grid Container
- Grid Items
- Bootstrap
- Flexbox Grid
- Grid Tracks
- Simple Grid
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Q13. State some elements of the CSS Box Model.
The four major elements of the CSS Box Model are content, margin, padding & border. They help in defining the web page layout.
The “Content” refers to the original content of the box, whereas “Border” refers to the edge around the padding, and the “Padding” is the particular space between the border & the original web content. The “Margin” is the specific space outside the border that separates the box from the other elements of a web application.
Q14. State some differences between Distributed Version Control System & Centralized Version Control System.
A distributed version control system refers to a system that highlights a local copy of the entire repository of each team member’s system so that they can conduct merch & brach locally.
On the other hand, centralized version control systems like SVN, CVS & Perforce need users to have the latest version from the server to download the local version of their system.
A centralized version control system differs from a distributed version control system in the distribution & structure of different project data.
A distributed version control system supports offline work & flexible, whereas centralized version control systems are less flexible yet easy to manage.
Q15. What do you mean by Git Pull & Git Push?
Both the Git Pull & Git Push are popular Git Commands.
Git Push refers to the specific Git command that is applied to upload content from a local repository to a remote repository. At the same time, Git Pull is the specific Git command that is used to deliver & download content from a remote repository.
Git Pull consists of two different commands and they are “Fetch” for downloading new data & “Merge” for integrating that data.
Git Pull sends changes out, whereas Git Push brings changes into the web application.
Q16. How Git Pull is different from Git Fetch?
The Git Fetch command is used to download new data from a repository that is remote & usually does not add any of these new data into your working files. If you want to update remote-tracking branches anytime, you can run Git Fetch.
On the other hand, Using the Git Pull command, developers can bring in new data into the current working files & integrate them accurately. Git pull helps to combine remote changes with some of them that are made locally.
Q17. What is SVG in HTML?
The SVG is commonly known as Scalable Vector Graphics. These two-dimensional graphics are applied widely to define vector graphics of the web. They usually define XML format graphics. These are code-based, small-sized files with higher flexibility, interactivity & animations.
Any dimension can be obtained for SVG graphics without losing the original quality. These are perfect for responsiveness due to their great appearance on any screen.
Q18. What is the difference between Git Rebase & Git Merge?
The Git Merge command is commonly applied to add new commits to your featuring brand. Each time you want to add changes, an additional merging commit is required. It harms the history of the future branch of yours.
This command combines two different branches to create a new commit. It helps to keep the overall commit history from both branches.
The Git Rebase command transfers the base of the branch to a new point to include changes from one branch to another. Rebase can modify history, but it also generates an easier commit history.
Q19. What do you mean by Cookies in JavaScript?
Cookies in JavaScript refer to the small pieces of information that are stored on a user’s browser through a website. Cookies are generally applied to remember user data like preferences, login details & tracking data.
Expiration dates come along with cookies & are easily accessed by client-side scripts & servers. Cookies also help in offering a customized browsing experience.
Q20. What do you mean by the Callback in JavaScript?
Call-back in JavaScript is a higher-order functionality that can take other functionalities as arguments or return functionalities as their end outcomes. They are considered a compelling feature of the programming language & are largely used to put expressive & clean codes.
Callback in JavaScript is applied to manage responses or conduct functionalities during a request completion or events. These are very important to organize events & execute codes in a non-blocking way.
Q21. What do you mean by Git Stash?
Git Stach is a famous Git command that removes your uncommitted modifications from your working script, including unstaged & staged, saves them for future application & then changes them.
You can use stashed modifications later. This is very helpful when you are required to change branches or work on anything else without missing your recent progress. It also allows you to be more organized & flexible.
Q22. What are the different Data Types in JavaScript?
There are eight types of popular data types in JavaScript & they include;
- Number: This Data type is for floating point values & integers.
- Undefined: This Data type is for variables that are only announced & not started yet or defined.
- Null: This Data type is for values that are unknown or empty.
- String: This Data type is for characters & values that are alphanumeric.
- Boolean: This Data type is for values that can be true or false.
- Array: This Data type is for the ordered list of values like 1,2,3,…
- Object: This data type is for complex collections or values.
- Symbols: This Data type is for unique objects or identifiers.
Q23. What is the best possible way to remove Duplicates from a JavaScript Array?
The best possible way to remove duplicates from a JavaScript Array is to apply “Set”, which is a combination of unique values. Through the application of the filtering process, three different arguments are needed to call the filter option, including the current element, array & current element index.
Q24. How is the ordered list different from the unordered list?
The ordered list refers to the lost where web items are numbered, highlighting a particular sequence. All items are defined by numbers or letters. On the other hand, unordered lists are specific lists where elements have bullet points without any particular numbers.
An ordered list uses <ol> </ol> tags, whereas an unordered list uses <ul> </ul> tags. The elements of these two lists are written between <li> </li> tags.
Unordered lists are applied for simple collections, whereas ordered lists are used for rankings or steps.
Q25. What are the different types of CSS Selectors?
The different types of CSS selectors are:
- CSS Attribute Selector: These selectors are used to select the elements of a particular attribute.
- CSS Class Selector: These selectors are used to select elements that fall under specific classes.
- CSS ID Selector: These selectors are used to select a specific unique feature with a particular ID.
- CSS Element Selector: These selectors are used to select every element of a given type.
- CSS Pseudo-class Selector: These selectors are used to select elements that are in a specific state, such as “hover.
Q26. What is Virtual DOM?
The term “Virtual DOM” refers to the in-memory representation of a DOM or Document Object Model defining the XML content of a web. The performance of Virtual DOM is high-speed due to the amount of modified information it has.
Virtual DOM helps to boost performance by reducing direct DOM manipulations.
Q27. How do you differentiate Div Tag & Span Tag in HTML 5?
In HTML, Span Tags are generally utilized for paragraphs & inline elements, whereas Div tags are used for block-level elements. Span tags showcase any particular word, whereas Div tags usually showcase a specific section on a web page.
With a Span tag, a developer applies a specific color code to highlight the HTML content, whereas developers incorporate borders with different widths & heights with specific color pixels to represent the HTML content.
Q28. What are CSS Selectors & and what are some of them?
CSS selectors are specific patterns that are used to pick components you want to design or style. These CSS selectors target HTML elements based on their types, IDs, classes, attributes, &more.
Five major categories of CSS selectors are:
- Simple selectors
- Pseudo-class selectors
- Attribute selectors
- Simple selectors
- Pseudo-element selectors
Some common types of CSS selectors include:
- CSS Class Selector
- CSS Attribute Selector
- CSS ID Selector
- CSS Group Selector
- CSS Universal Selector
- CSS Element Selector
- CSS Class Selector
Q29. What do you mean by React Extensions? Can you name some of them?
React tools refer to the libraries & tools that boost the functionality of React. These allow for forming complex applications very quickly. React Extensions has the feature of server-side rendering. This helps to create robust mobile apps.
Some of the React Extensions are:
- React Query helps to catch & fetch data.
- Redux helps to state management.
- React Router helps to navigate & route management.
- Material-UI for UI components.
- Formik helps to manage forms.
Q30. What do you mean by Pipes in Angular & state its types?
Pipes in Angular refers to those that are often applied to change data in templates. They collect information, process it & return the modified information. Pipes are usually connected together in a chain & arguments are offered to pipes by using a colon sign.
The different types of Pipes in Angular are:
- Build-in Pipes: These pipes are offered by Angular, such as UpperCasePipe, LowerCasePipe & DatePipe
- Custom Pipes: These pipes are made by developers for particular changes.
Q31. What do you mean by Semantic elements in HTML?
Semantic elements are coded in HTML. They clearly depict their aim & meaning on a web page. These semantic elements include <header>, <article>, <footer>, <nav> & <footer>.
Apart from this, these elements in HTML boost the SEO & overall web accessibility.
Q32. Can you explain the concept of “Typescript”?
The term “Typescript” refers to the superset of JavaScript that includes static typing to the programming language. It allows catching errors at the time of development through type checking.
It allows all JavaScript frameworks or Libraries to define some significant characteristics. TypeScript helps to produce the codes in a faster way to boost overall performance.
It also offers better debudding & tooling features along with modern JavaScript features.
Q33. What do you mean by Empty elements in HTML?
Empty elements or void elements in HTML refer to those elements that do not need a closer tag as they contain zero content. These are also elements that do not have any text or embedded elements. These only have an opening tag but not a closing tag. These have self-closing tags.
Some examples of empty elements are <br>, <input>, <hr> & <img>.
Empty elements are used in the scenario where content is not required.
Q34. What do you mean by CoffeeScript?
CoffeeScript refers to the lightweight coding language that incorporates JavaScript. It also helps developers to write easy JavaScript codes offering constant syntax. It also introduces valuable features such as destructuring & classes before they were even present in JavaScript.
CoffeeScript is very secure and provides aliases for the majority of the operators, creating a readable code. CoffeeScript is a beneficial program to make a dynamic program.
Q35. What do you mean by Lazy loading & Eager loading?
Lazy loading refers to the process of waiting until some parts of the webpage load, especially images, till they are required. On the other hand, eager loading loads each & everything all together in a single time.
For large web applications, lazy loading is highly recommended.
Wrapping Up,
I hope this blog post related to “Front-end Developer Interview Questions” is helpful for you. Mastering these tricky interview questions allows you to crack interviews at top companies. The complete knowledge of CSS, JavaScript, HTML, user testing, responsive designs, ReactJS & optimization guarantees career success.
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