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Top SQL Interview Questions for Freshers [2025]

SQL Interview Questions

Preparing for SQL interviews and want to start your career in the development field in 2025? SQL is a very significant standard language for analyzing and manipulating databases. This is popular for its variety of commands. 

The majority of freshers are finding it challenging to crack SQL interviews as the development field is rapidly changing. If you don’t get the proper guidance, you might feel overwhelmed. 

Don’t worry! I have come up with a complete list of your solutions here.

In this blog post, I am going to discuss some of the most frequently asked SQL interview questions for freshers in straightforward and unambiguous terms. You will get a clear understanding of SQL, and what to answer employers when they ask you interview questions for SQL professionals.

Let’s explore the list of questions and make yourself prepared!

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Table of Contents

Basic SQL Interview Questions and Answers

I have prepared a complete list of 15 basic SQL interview questions and answers to help you crack the interviews for your dream career. I have picked these basic SQL interview questions carefully, taking help from industry experts depending on what might be asked in upcoming interviews. 

Read this article thoroughly and increase your chances of impressing interviewers with stunning answers. This blog post will offer you a solid and in-depth understanding of SQL. 

Let’s begin this, 

Q1.  Do you think SQL supports the feature of programming language?

However, SQL fails to include all programming language features; it does support some programming languages. Composing queries for connecting with databases has been rendered by it. While it lacks features such as complex control flow and object-oriented programming, it does have statements and conditions, variables, and loops in some versions. It is not mainly employed for developing applications but instead for handling real-time data.

Q2.  What is data manipulation language? 

A subset of SQL is referred to as Data Manipulation Language (DML), which is specially employed to handle complex data in databases. Data selection, updation, insertion, and deletion all come under its major functions. The various DML commands that are used widely are SELECT, UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE. These commands help the developer in retrieving and modifying the stored data from the database.

Q3.  What is meant by data definition language?

Data Detection Language, commonly known as DDL, refers to a subset of SQL. It helps in managing and detecting the structures of SQL. You can get commands such as ALTER, CREATE, tRUNCATE, and DROP in DDL. Such commands enable you to make, adjust, or delete tables, schemas, or different types of objects in a database.  

Q4. What is a foreign key?

A section, or set of columns, in one table that renders a column in another table easily trackable is known as a foreign key. This key helps you link a primary key of a table with another key known as a foreign key of another table. The primary function is to make the link between two tables. In order to manage continuity between related tables, the foreign key only allows values that can be found only in the mentioned table.

Q5.  What do you mean by normalization?

The process of organizing data in a database to boost data integrity and eliminate redundancy is referred to as normalization. It involves splitting up big tables into tiny, easy-to-manage ones and building links among them. This process ensures that the database is more functional and easier to manage by deleting data that are duplicates. Each one of the different standard forms, 1NF, 2NF, and 3NF, has its distinct set of standards for data arrangement.

Q6. What do you mean by primary key?

The primary key of a database’s table acts as a distinct code for each record. Duplicate data entries are eliminated, and each row is ensured to be individually detected. The primary key should not have NULL values and should possess unique values. In order to offer each table column a different identity, it is usually built on a group of columns or columns.

Q7. How do you differentiate the CHAR and VARCHAR2 datatype in SQL?

The strings that have fixed lengths are stored in the type of datatype referred to as CHAR, which generally allows a specific amount of storage for each value. For example, a  CHAR(10) column will typically use ten characters and pad shorter strings with storage. However, VARCHAR2 is highly functional and beneficial at saving text of various lengths as it generally uses the space needed for the string and collects strings that are of different lengths.

Q8. What do you mean by Auto Increment?

The Auto Increment function of SQL refers to the one that generates a specific value for a column automatically. There is no requirement to set unique values clearly as the value for the auto-incremented column is set to the next number automatically every time a new row is included in the column. Generating different identifiers for each record in a database is rendered simply with this advanced functionality.

Q9. Describe the topic of SQL injection.

When an attacker is able to change or modify SQL queries in a way that enables them to get free access to a database without needed authorization, it is referred to as SQL injection. Malicious code is often entered into inadequately cleaned input fields, like login forms and search boxes, to achieve this. It can result in the loss, unauthorized changes, or loss of sensitive data. Try to use readymade or pre-built statements and input validation to prevent the SQL injection from occurring.

Q10. What do you mean by a T-SQL?

The term T-SQL is referred to as a vital extension of SQL used commonly by Microsoft SQL servers. It boosts normal SQL with programming features such as loops, conditional statements, and variables. Developers can build advanced and functional database procedures, queries, and functions with the help of T-SQL. By providing error-handling, control-of-flow features, and transaction management, it boosts the overall functionality of SQL.

Q11.  State the difference between SQL and PL/SQL. 

The most popular query language, referred to as SQL, helps to handle and work with the numerous data of databases. The major functions include data updation, querying, and data insertion. PL/SQL refers to a popular extension of SQL that Oracle uses widely. It offers SQL programming features such as error management, loops, and conditions handling, allowing programmers to develop more complex and successful scripts, functions, and processes.

Q12. What do you mean by user-defined functions?

Personalized functions made by users to carry out specific database tasks are referred to as user-defined functions or UDFs. SQL or other programming languages, like T-SQL or PL/SQL, are employed for coding. User-defined functions have the ability to process data, return a result, and accept parameters for input. By incorporating repeated tasks into repeated tasks, they help in the streamlining of complicated queries and boost the structure and performance of the code.

Q13. How many types of user-defined functions are there, and state each of them.

There are three types of user-defined functions are there in SQL, and they are Scaler user-defined function, Multi-statement user-defined function, and Inline table-vale user-defined function. 

Scalar user-defined function: A scalar user-defined returns a single value like a text, date, or integer. It handles individual data and can be used for a SELECT statement and other queries. For example, it can calculate or modify data and offer a single result for each row.

Multi-statement user-defined function: It is easy to run various SQL statements with a multi-statement user-defined function. It has higher flexibility than a scalar user-defined function, can run complex queries, and returns a single result. Programs needing additional logic or queries are generally the ones which uses it.

Inline table-value user-defined function: An inline table-valued user-defined function refers to the one that returns tables as a result. It acts similarly to a view and has only a single SELECT statement, but it also takes various parameters. It is used when a set of rows rather than a single value should be returned, often for query joining with other rows and tables.

Q14.  What do you mean by a JOIN in SQL? Mention its types.

The JOIN in SQL refers to the element that helps in linking rows from two or more two tables depending on a relevant column. 

The various types of JOINs are;

  • INNER JOIN: It returns the records that have similar values in both tables.
  • FULL JOIN: It returns all the records when it finds a match in either the right or the left table. 
  • RIGHT JOIN: It returns every record in the right table along with matching left table records. 
  • LEFT JOIN: It returns every record in the left table along with matching right table records. 

Q15.  What is ETL in SQL?

The full form of ETL is Extract, Transform, and Load. It is generally employed to collect vital data from various reliable sources, convert it into a usable format, and upload it to a specific data warehouse or database.

The extract is used to pull data from different sources, whereas the transform is used to clean, convert, and filter data, and Load is used to store the transformed data in the specific database for reporting and thorough analysis.

SQL Interview Questions for Experienced

Q16. What are different types of variables, and how do they differ from each other?

The different types of variables in SQL are local variables and global variables. 

These are the two major groups of variables in SQL. Local variables only remain there for the duration of the time frame or function in which they are employed. 

On the contrary, global variables are always present between sessions and across the entire database. Global variables can be defined by the user or guaranteed by the system, while local variables are set up employing the keyword DECLARE.

Q17. Can you state the function that is employed to remove the spaces at a string’s end?

RTRIM () function is used greatly to remove the spaces at a string’s end. It helps you eliminate any blank characters or trailing spaces from the string’s right side. 

Q18. What do you mean by ACID properties? 

The term ACID stands for Atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability. These specific features guarantee that database transactions are operated accurately. 

Atomicity is associated with offering the guarantee that each part of the transaction is processed or not completed at all. Consistency is associated with offering the guarantee that the database shifts from one state to another valid state. Isolation guarantees that transaction procedures do not inhibit one another. The last term, durability, is associated with offering a guaranteed transaction. This is highly secure, permanent and is there if your system fails.

Wrapping Up,

I have highlighted the Top SQL questions for freshers as well as for experienced in the above sections, which act as a crucial guide for your upcoming SQL interviews. Elaborating on a range of SQL topics from basic concepts to advanced commands, these most frequently asked interview questions aim to evaluate the expertise of a person’s depth of knowledge regarding the topic.

These are some popular SQL interview questions and answers for freshers and experienced professionals who want to upskill. I hope the questions and answers I have discussed above will help you prepare for upcoming interviews. 

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