Trending 25+ Web Developer Interview Questions & Answers for 2024

Preparing for a web developer interview questions can be a pretty hectic job. You might not know how to make yourself interview-ready in 2024. If you lack proper preparation, you might face complex questions to stay in the final rounds of the interviews. Once you fail to answer these vital interview questions, you might miss the chance to get hired, leading to extremely stressful situations.
I have prepared a list of the most trending web developer interview questions for 2024 in this blog post to help you achieve career success. These interview questions cover popular web development topics & will help you to answer those tricky interview questions quickly & correctly.
Let’s start reading this article & get you ready for your following web designer interview!
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Table of Contents
25+ Important Web Developer Interview Questions to Know
I want to help you; I have prepared a list of the 25+ most popular web development interview questions. Get an idea of what you must rehearse & prepare for & how to give answers to those tricky questions.
Q1. State the difference between server-side programming & client-side programming.
Server-side programming involves functionalities such as code execution on a web server, while client-side programming deals with activities such as code generation, which must be run on users’ browsers. This is responsible for better user interactions, leading to a good user experience.
These programming codes usually process the communication with databases and interaction requests & develop robust content for websites or web applications.
Q2. Explain the different types of Web development.
The types of web development are Front-end web development, back-end web development, & Full-stack web development.
Front-end: Front-end web developers are responsible for designing a website & making it user-intuitive. These developers are in charge of creating a website that looks aesthetically pleasing & boosts a better user experience.
Back-end: Back-end developers are in charge of developing the server side, which is non-visible to the users. The developers are responsible for the functionalities such as generating libraries and creating APIs to make high-quality user-facing services.
Full-stack: Full-stack developers are in charge of both the front-end & back-end of a web application. They are responsible for working flawlessly with different programming languages & various web frameworks.
Q3. What do you mean by Responsive Web Design?
Responsive web design is the procedure of designing a website in a way that offers a consistent & good user experience over a range of different mobile devices & different screen sizes. This is creating web pages that are easily scalable over different screen resolutions without deleting any vital information.
The primary purpose of responsive design is to provide a user-friendly structure that is adjusted automatically across different platforms.
Q4. Why do you use HTTP cookies?
HTTP cookies are commonly known as internet cookies & generally developed for web browsers to monitor, save & customize information of each session of users.
A session refers to the amount of time a user spends on a website. These HTTP cookies identify users when they visit a new website or web page.
The user-specific information these cookies deal with is user preferences, login details, session details & user activities.
Q5. What is the function of HTML, JavaScript & CSS in web development?
The primary purpose of HTML is to develop & design the structure of a website. In contrast, CSS is responsible for determining the layouts & styles used to make that website visually attractive & JavaScript is in charge of making that website user-intuitive & responsive. All these elements function together to create a website that is well-performing & boosts the overall user experience.
Q6. What is a Content Delivery Network (CDN)?
A CDN or Content Delivery Network is referred to as a set of geographically interconnected servers that boost the speed of the delivery of web content & improve the overall web performance. CDN is highly dependent on the caching process, which stores copies of web content files in data centers temporarily over various networks. This gives you easy access to different web content from other servers.
Q7. What are web components & state their benefits.
Web components are web platform API features that offer a standard component model for the web, enabling the interfunctionality of each HTML element. The basic technology used to develop web components is custom elements.
Some significant benefits of Web components are;
- They offer effortless customization options.
- These are highly supported by web browsers.
- They help in encapsulation.
- These web components boost the readability, reliability & testability of the website.
- It boosts the overall performance by reducing the complexity of DOM.
Q8. What are the advantages of using CSS pre-processors & post-processors?
The pre-processors of CSS include Stylus, Sass & Less boost CSS with functionalities such as nested rules, variables & mixins to make it easier to use & less repetitive.
Apart from this, the post-processors of CSS include PostCSS & Autoprefixer, which allow tasks such as polyfill addition, handling vendor prefixes & CSS optimization for higher performance.
Q9. How will you manage the browser compatibility issues?
If you want to manage the browser compatibility issues, you must do the below activities;
- Apply progressive development & well-degradation practices.
- Utilise feature detection tools such as Modernize to offer valuable polyfills or fallbacks for features that are unsupported.
- You should test the web application by applying different devices, screen sizes & browsers.
- You should also use normalize.css or CSS reset to manage the consistent styles over browsers.
Q10. What do you know about Server-side rendering (SSR) & Client-side rendering (CSR)? What differentiates them?
Client-side rendering, or CSR, happens when a web browser loads an empty HTML document, leading to rendering the web content through the application of JavaScript. CSR leads to a reduced initial load but allows higher interactivity, easier single-page application development & fastest page loads.
Server-side rendering or SSR refers to the method where a server generates a complete HTML page for primary requests, boosting the first meaning paint & higher search engine optimization. This makes web content instantly available for indexing & crawling, improving the overall SEO score.
Q11. What do you mean by asset bundling & state its importance?
Asset bundling in web development frees up side-by-side downloads for other web assets like videos & images. This combines different JavaScript, CSS & other web files into a single or minified web file.
This asset bundling process decreases the amount of HTTP requests, speeding up the loading times & boosting the overall web performance. This also helps in managing cache, organizing & versioning codes.
Q12. Why HTTP/2 is better than HTTP 1.1? State the major advantages.
HTTP/2 has been launched as a significantly revised version of HTTP 1.1.
HTTP/2 is better than HTTP 1.1 due to some significant functionalities, and they include;
- The data compression of HTTP/2 through HTTP headers is better than HTTP 1.0.
- It helps in request prioritization.
- It also eases the logical server push technology.
- It helps a page element to load using the TCP connection.
- Less broadband consumption.
- It increased the loading speed.
- Prioritization automation.
- Multiplexing in HTTP/2 is another significant benefit that helps in sending multiple requests between different browsers & servers continuously over a single connection of TCP.
- It helps servers push resources into different browser’s caches.
Q13. How can you speed up the Page Loading? State some ways.
There are several options or functions you must perform to speed up the page loading, and they are;
- The first thing you need to do is to optimize the images by compressing them accurately or reducing the size of the photos.
- You must enable the browser cache by storing the static files in the browser of users.
- You can combine files such as JS or CSS files to decrease HTTP requests.
- You can also use content delivery networks or CDNs to distribute web content to the servers that are closer.
- Decrease the total server response time by using faster servers & optimizing the backend codes.
- We are reducing the number of redirects.
- You must minimize the lookups to boost the page loading speed.
Q14. What is Webpack?
Webpack is a feature that helps in bundling JavaScript modules, commonly termed status module bundlers. Webpack allows you to generate a single web file that runs your web application when you have a huge amount of files. This module bundler takes modules that have dependencies & creates status assets. These can also help you to bundle different assets such as images, JavaScript, CSS & more.
Q15. How do you differentiate Div Tag & Span Tag in HTML 5?
In HTML, Span Tags are used for paragraphs & inline elements, whereas Div tags are utilized for block-level elements. Span tags highlight any particular word, whereas Div tags usually highlight a specific section on a web page.
With a Span tag, a developer uses a particular color code to highlight the HTML content, whereas developers use borders with different widths & heights with particular color pixels to highlight the HTML content.
Q16. What is the difference between HTML & XHTML?
HTML is referred to as Hypertext Markup Language, whereas XHTML is referred to as Extensive Hypertext Markup Language & they both are widely used to generate web-based applications.
HTML is a standard generalized markup language (SGML), whereas XHTML is an Extensive markup language (XML). It would help if you did not mention HTML quotes while using any attributes, but the XHTML quotes should be noted.
The Doctype is not required to be mentioned at the top in HTML, but it is essential to write a Doctype for XHTML.
Q17. Explain the difference between Canvas & SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics).
Canvas helps you to generate real-time 2D graphics with JavaScript, whereas SVG or Scalable Vector Graphics help to describe 2D graphics. SVG is an XML-based language.
Canvas files are modified by Script only, whereas SVG is modified by CSS & Script. Canvas has a single HTML element, whereas SVG has multiple graphic elements.
Q18. State your ideas on Pair Programming.
Pair programming is referred to as a practice of two web developers working on the same code together. Here, one developer writes the codes known as the driver & the other one, known as the navigator, reviews them for the smooth functioning of the website.
The various advantages you can get from pair programming include the sharing of ideas, concepts, and knowledge for generating higher-quality code & quick problem-solving.
Q19. What are the different types of HTTP requests supported by RESTful Web Services?
The major different types of HTTP requests supported by RESTful Web Services are Post, Patch, Delete, Put & Get. Then, it is often used in the CRED operations, which are Create, Read, update & delete.
The correct sequence of these HTTP requests is Post, Get, Put, Patch & Delete. Get help in retrieving the data from a web server, post help in submitting the data to process quickly, Put help to update the available data, Patch helps to update the data partially, & Delete helps to remove the data from the servers.
Q20. How do you integrate various style sheets into a website?
To integrate the different style sheets into a website, all you need to do is use the link tag in the head section. Then, you can add different link tags for multiple CSS files.
Q21. How do you optimize the total loading time of your web application?
There are some significant ways to optimize the total loading time of your web application, and those are;
- Image compression.
- Using a content delivery network (CDN).
- Minifying the JavaScript & CSS.
- Allowing browser caching.
- Reducing the time of server response.
- Lazy loading implementation for videos & images.
- A preferable hosting solution selection for performance optimization.
Q22. What do you mean by CSS Selectors & name some of them?
CSS selectors refer to the specific patterns that are applied to choose elements you want to design or style. These target HTML elements depending on their class, attributes, IDs, types &more.
Some major CSS selectors include:
- CSS Attribute Selector
- CSS Universal Selector
- CSS Class Selector
- CSS ID Selector
- CSS Element Selector
- CSS Group Selector
Q23. What do you mean by CSS Grid system & what are its major components?
CSS Grid system is referred to as the two-dimensional layout system for the web application. This helps you to organize your web content into columns & rows & provides different features to simplify the web layouts.
Some major components of the CSS Grid system are;
- Grid Lines
- Grid Items
- Grid Container
- Grid Tracks
- Simple Grid
- Bootstrap
- Flexbox Grid
Q24. What are the APIs that the HTML5 standard offers?
The API’s that the HTML5 standard offers are:
- Battery Status API
- Vibration API
- Page Visibility API
- User Timing API
- History API
- Command API
- Media API
- Data transfer API
- Constraint Validation API
- User Interaction API
- Text Track API
- Application cache API
Q25. What do you mean by NPM (Node Package Manager)
NPM or Node Package Manager is a specific package managing tool for JavaScript. NPM is specially designed to add modules as they are so that we can find them whenever we search for nodes. Developers can reuse & share codes via NPM.
With this, a developer can install, update & handle project dependencies. All Node Package Manager are referred to as package.json files.
Q26. What are some newly launched input types in HTML5?
The updated HTML5 has some newly launched inputs to boost simplified use. Those inputs are:
- Email for email addresses.
- Color for color inputs with a different color picker each time.
- URL for different URLs.
- The month is used to choose a month from a drop-down calendar.
- Week for choosing a week from a drop-down calendar.
- The date is used to select a specific date from a drop-down calendar.
- Tel for telephone numbers.
- Datetime-local for choosing both the time & local date for users.
- The number range for selecting a number ranges from the vast amount of numbers.
Q27. What do you mean by an Entity Tag?
Entity Tag, commonly known as ETag, is a central internal element of HTTP that helps to manage communication between web browsers & servers. This protocol helps in cache validation, enabling different conditional requests from clients or browsers to access valid resources.
Etags help to validate cache & vary from firm to weak resources.
The Syntax of ETag is “<etag_value>.”
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Q28. What different Popup boxes are there in the JavaScript?
Popup boxes or dialog boxes in JavaScript refer to modal windows that are specially applied to notify or alert users or get any inputs from a user.
There are three different types of popup boxes are available in the JavaScript;
- Confirm: This specific popup box offers users a window with a “Cancel” & “Ok” button. These boxes are frequently used if a user wants to accept or verify something.
- Alert: This popup represents users with a predesigned message & an “OK” button. Alert boxes help to display warning messages, so only a user needs to click on the “OK” button.
- Prompt: This type of popup box is frequently used if you want your users to input a specific value just before entering into a page. The user just needs to click on the “OK” or “Cancel” button to proceed after putting a specific value.
Q29. What is AJAX?
AJAX is referred to as Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It is a collection of different technologies, such as HTML/XHTML, XML, DOM, JSON, CSS, and JavaScript, to make web applications highly interactive. It also makes a website function faster.
With AJAX, you can make your web applications capable of sending & receding data asynchronously from different servers without making any errors to the display of a site that already exists.
The term AJAX is defined as the specific technique or practice for developing fast & dynamic web applications. It helps in boosting the overall user experience of a web page or web application.
Q30. What are the five major elements that support media content in HTML 5?
The five major elements that are introduced in HTML 5 to support media content are highlighted below;
- <video>
- <track>
- <audio>
- <source>
- <embed>
Q31. What are the new form elements launched in HTML5?
Some of the major new form elements introduced in HTML5 are;
- <keygen> This develops an encryption key for secured authentication.
- <progress> This shows the 100% direction of a task to the max value.
- <meter> This offers a measurement gauge, highlighting a usual value within a known range.
- <outout> This helps a developer to showcase the end results of an expression or a task.
- <detalist> This helps a developer to specify a list of different predefined options for controlling inputs.
Q32. How Angular is different from React?
Angular is a front-end framework, whereas React is a JS library framework. Angular has a bigger bundle size, which is why it is slower than React.
Angular utilizes a two-way data binding feature with a real DOM, whereas React incorporates a one-way data binding feature with a virtual DOM.
Wrapping Up,
So there you go- 25+ trending web developer interview questions answered correctly. With continuous rehearsal & vital preparation, you might think you can answer these questions during the interview.
Whether you are a beginner or have years of experience, these web developer interview questions carry vital web development topics. Never forget the fact that getting prepared is exceptionally crucial.
If you already learned how to code, it’s much easier for you to shift your career towards a highly competitive development domain & become a pro! That’s why W3 Web School’s power-packed Web Development Course offers you industry expert mentors to help you start your learning journey.
Don’t forget to share your Web developer Interview Questions & doubts with us in the comment section. Which interview questions have boosted your skills and ideas & helped you in your Web Developer interviews?