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What is the most important part of SEO?

what is seo

To achieve success in any of us, we need Audience. If we have an audience, then we can easily take anyone to a very high level. The Internet is of great importance in today’s time. Online Many things are done in the shortest possible time. You can also start your own business online, for this, you will first need a website. Apart from this, not only will the website be required but you will need the traffic only then your business will be able to run. Even if you want to do your business by advertising in Google itself, but if you want to increase traffic to your blog without spending money, then you have to do SEO (search engine optimization). SEO is a way to help you get good traffic on your blog without spending money. If you want to have the most traffic from your search engine in your blog, then just this time of competition is a bit difficult but not impossible. When you do SEO, the traffic of your blog will increase, so your business will also work well.

What is SEO?

Search engine optimization is the best way to get traffic from the search engine. We can bring traffic to our blog from search engine to free in SEO.

If we explain to you in simple language, then we will write content in our blog so that good traffic comes to our blog and our income is also good. It is not necessary that everyone will read and visit directly to our blog. When someone has a problem, then he only searches Google for his solution. In the search result whose blog is a good position, there are more clicks on it. This way our blog comes with traffic from the search engine.

Earlier there were very few blogs and websites, but now many people have joined the internet, which now has millions of blogs and the same information is found in many blogs. It’s time to compete right now. In this case, which gives different, great and SEO optimized information to his blog, his own blog is at Google’s first position.

Why is Search Engine Optimization Important?

We have told you about what is SEO? So this may have been a little easier for you to know what the benefits of SEO are. The first and biggest benefit of this is that it gives us more traffic than the search engine. You will know that it is very important for us to bring traffic to your blog, then we can do well in the income. When we optimize SEO in our blogs well and write posts to SEO friendly, our post will be in good position in the search engine, which will give good traffic to the search engine.

I have seen a lot of blogs which have more than 1 lakh traffic per day and 85% of that traffic comes from the search engine. You will also want to know why this happens, so let me tell you if you will post that which people want to know as much as possible and optimize the post for SEO, then your blog will get more traffic from search engine. Only

If you are doing a business online you will need a visitor. It is also true that there is 85% of the search engine behind any business succeeding. If you want you to do your business successfully without the help of a search engine at the present time, then it is impossible. Many big companies are now promoting their business by showing their advertise in the search engine.

Types Of SEO

There are so many parts of SEO, but only a few of them have to follow us. Basically many people know about 2 parts of SEO and that is On Page and Off Page SEO Optimization. Apart from these, there are many parts of SEO. We are telling you about 4 important parts of SEO in the bottom.

  1. On Page SEO Optimization

As on Page, it is clearly evident that SEO Optimization is to be done within the blog itself. In this, we have to optimize SEO within our blog. This is a very important part of SEO, which is very important for us to optimize. In this, we have to optimize some things, which we are telling you the following.

High-quality content: It comes under on page SEO. In this, we need to write high quality or long length post in our blog.

Keyword Selection: This is the most important factor on page SEO. In this, we need to select the best rank keyword by searching for the related keyword for our post.

Keyword Placement: First of all, we have to choose a good rank keyword and then have to place the keyword. Use keywords in the first and last paragraph to do a keyword placement in the post.

Having a good design and clear concept of the website is also a factor on page SEO.

  1. Technical SEO

Website Structure: This means making the right choice for your Website /blog’s domain. We have to use a related keyword to a topic in our Website/blog’s domain only then our domain will be SEO friendly.

Link Structure:  This means we make the right choice of the post link of your blog. There are many people who use default structure for their post. This is not good for SEO. We should change the structure of our post and use the related keyword in the post.

Image optimization: It also comes in technical SEO. If you use the image in your blog, then use keyword and post title in Alt tags to optimize it for SEO.

Site Speed: The importance of your site speed is very much in the search engine. That’s why you have to increase your site’s loading speed to get a good ranking in the search engine.

Schema: Add structured data of schema.org to your blog. This will increase your blog’s search engine ranking.

Meta Tags: This is the most important part of the technical SEO and it gives information about our blog and post to the search engine.

And More thing you need to optimize.

  1. Off Pages SEO

If you understand about On SEO, you can easily understand it. In the way SEO optimization, we have to optimize within our blog, but in Off-page SEO, we optimize our blog just outside. That is, whatever work there is, it is out of the blog. To optimize this, our main target is Link Building. In this, we have to optimize some things in which you are telling us the following.

  1. Social Bookmarking Submission
  2. Blog Create and Submission
  3. Infographic Submission
  4. Guest Post Submission
  5. Q/A Submission and many more
  6. Local SEO

This is the most important part of SEO for business. You must know that the local means ‘local’, that is, around our place. When you search on Google, Google shows results according to your location. If you wrote Google in “SEO training” then Google will trace your location and then show results to your nearest SEO institutes.


Well, there are many more parts of SEO but not all are important to us. According to the topic, your blog is on, you optimize the part of SEO. If you have an online business then Local SEO is very important to you. This will help your local people know about your business. If you have a blog then SEO is the most important part of your website, On the page, technical and Off page SEO.


If you are thinking to learn Advanced SEO then we are here w3webschool provide Low cost with 100% Practical Class SEO Training so do not waste time anywhere contact today for demo after that you decide to join w3webschool.

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