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What is Web Design and career Scope


As the name implies, the Web Designer decides the Layout, Structure, and Architecture of any website’s Look and Feel or Web page.

In other words, it decides what a website will look like, where content will be placed. Which content will be heading and what content will be displayed like a sub-heading or a paragraph. What color-combinations will be used in the website, which type of image or video or animation will be used for the content?  That is, When we create, update, or plan any website, we call it Web Designing.

However, no one person does the same thing as discussed in the above, because it is not necessary that all the work is fully capable of doing the same thing properly. Therefore any Web Development Company can also have different people to do these different types of work, which are known by different names. for example:

  1. The person who writes the content of the website, i.e. Content writes, that developer can be called Content Designer.
  2. Describes the website’s structure or layout, that is, Describe the theme of the website, that developer can be called a Theme Designer.
  3. Describes Multimedia such as Graphics (Image, Font, Video Content, Animation, etc …) of the website, that developer can be called Graphics Designer.

Web Designing has two parts: Front End Web Design and Back End Web Developer.

Front End Web Design:

As the name suggests, Front End Web Design delivers in front, i.e. from the part that is visible to the user.

When we open any website, whatever happens in front of us is the work of Front End designer. Our aim from Front End Web Designing is not just to beautify the website, through web designing, we have to keep in mind what to add to what makes visitor coming to our website is not a problem.

If we compare it with a car then the work of Front End designer is to beautify the car, it does not make sense with the engine’s engine, the battery engine inside the car is the job of all the Back End Developer.

Originally, we can divide a Web site or Web application into two parts, which are known as Frontend and Backend. Web Designers basically do their role in Frontend because they decide the Website’s Structure, Look and Feel. However, many Web Technologies are involved in this Frontend Development. Let go! Try to understand them a little bit better by one by one.

  1. Determining the structure or architecture of any website is done by the HTML (Hypertext Markup Language), under which we decide which content will appear and when it will appear. Which content will look like Heading and what content will look like a paragraph, and if there is an Image, Animation or Video Content, then where and how it will appear.

2. While the look and feel of that website is done by the CSS (Cascading Style Sheet), under which it is decided that what will be the color of the Heading, Paragraph etc., which will be used What would be the Family, Style, and Size of the Font and what would happen to them like Padding, Margin, and Border?

3. The third main part of Behavior comes under the frontend of the website, under which it is decided that the type of action the website will react to in response to. That is, various Elements of the Website’s Web page will generate an Output Generate Against a Particular Action and this is completely controlled by JavaScript Technology.

Therefore, whether you want to be a Web Designer or Web Developer, you must learn HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in a compulsory way, because without properly understanding these three technologies, Can not control Frontend properly.

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