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12 Major Reasons Why WordPress is better than other CMS

Why WordPress is better than other CMS

If you want to build and uniquely design your website, then WordPress is the best choice among other CMS! You have to keep some major things in mind while involving WordPress to build your website, including niche audience identification, audience engagement, making vital decisions regarding technical terms, and more!

If you look into the market share graph of the CMS market, you can notice the growth of WordPress revenue among other CMS which is about 62.8%. You can also find out that a majority of 36% of top websites of the world have been using WordPress currently to upgrade their website. 

Moreover, WordPress has been used to build and design more than 500 websites each day, whereas competitor CMS such as Squarespace and Shopify are building only 60 to 70 sites daily! These are some of the reasons why WordPress is better than other CMS.

In this blog post, you will get vast knowledge about the 13 most common reasons why WordPress is the top pick if you compare it with popular CMS platforms.

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Table of Contents

What Is a Content Management System?

A Content Management System refers to a tool that assists you in the process of creating, editing, and handling content for your website. You can easily add texts, videos and images to your content without having a prior knowledge of coding with a Content Management System.

Its user-intuitive platform can also help you with the well-organization and updation of your site’s content. Some of the most widely used CMSs are WordPress and Joomla. These are the favorite picks of users due to their template offerings and broad library of plugins, which will help you to customize your website.

You can keep your website updated and industry-relevant with the help of CMS integration. To keep your online presence higher, you must need this digital editor. 

Let’s find out the 13 major reasons Why WordPress is better than other CMS below!

Explore the 12 Major Reasons Why WordPress is better than other CMS

Below are some most popular reasons why WordPress is better than CMS for individuals and business executives.

Reason 1: User-Friendly Interface

Ease of accessibility is the major reason why various new businesses are using WordPress development services these days. It is a user-friendly interface and you can get the knowledge of how to use WordPress easily! Once you build your website, you will not feel the need for any trainers to manage the website. 

Its simple application is highly preferred by users, which is why WordPress is better than other CMS. You can still use this platform easily if you are not a techie or have no prior knowledge of programming. 

You can also make attention-grabbing and captivating websites with WordPress. This CMS platform doesn’t require any coding or programming skills to build websites.

All you need to do is to set the perfect theme and begin by adding content to your WordPress first to build a website and start your CMS development journey. Then, you can add various plugins to boost the functionality of your website.

Reason 2: Free and Open Source

WordPress is the largest free and open-source CMS development software in the world. No one can ignore the free offering! You can download the WordPress and start the installation process free of cost. You also can change, edit, and modify the codes which are accurate for your website. 

The open-source feature will allow anyone to change or modify the code as needed. This makes it easier for anyone to build a new website or update the existing one easily. There also exists a very limited number of features where you have to pay for high-tech modifications like CSS editing. 

Unlike other competitor CMS platforms, the WordPress community offers the assurance that the software doesn’t need additional licensing charges and makes sure that this software is updated.

Reason 3: Most Affordable

If you compare other popular CMS platforms, you can find out the reasons why WordPress is better than other CMS. The affordability feature of WordPress is another major reason. You can get multiple plugins and themes with WordPress which will allow you to design and develop stunning as well as captivating websites without investing a large amount of money.

This open-source software is mostly free to use except for a few tech modifications. WordPress charges a very low amount of money to run and this makes it an on-the-go choice for businesses and startups.

Reason 4: SEO Friendly

SEO defines the success rate of your website built through WordPress. This software is best as it allows you to modify, edit, add, and optimize your website for search engines. The WordPress code helps you add relevant keywords to make it easily accessible for users and search engines to locate your website. 

All you require is a smooth stream of niche audiences to boost the rate of sales. Without WordPress, you are wasting your budget on a website with lower reach and visits. You can also use different types of plugins that go along with your website to improve SEO and boost the rate of ROI of your digital marketing.

Reason 5: Robust Security Features

WordPress comes with robust and advanced security features! This is one of the reasons why WordPress is better than other CMS

WordPress has the most tight security protocols due to its large WordPress community in the current industry. This protects your website built with WordPress from getting hacked, unauthorized accessibility, and cybercrime. 

WordPress offers updates to protect your site from possible blunders by placing some security measures regularly. If you want to keep your website secure and safe, you must follow the WordPress Security Practices strictly. 

WordPress offers you the guarantee to protect your site without the need for continuous manual interference.

Reason 6: More Functionality at the budget

WordPress provides you with more functionality under your budget along with 100+ premium as well as free plugins and themes as compared to other CMS. Are you looking for social media integration, advanced analytics, or e-commerce assistance? There are various existing plugins for each need that will enhance the functionality of your new website, which is under your budget. 

You can get multi-user functionality with this robust content management system within your budget, which allows you to perform smoothly on a single site. You can also get social sharing functionality on your blog posts and pages with WordPress so that users can share your posts with one click.

Reason 7: Simple & Easy Content Management

Are you aware of the fact that content marketing can either make or break your new business? Writing informative or commercial content is just not enough for your website to stay on top of the crowd and enhance its reach as well as engagement rate on the website. 

You need specific tools to make your content look catchy and captivating for the users with the help of WordPress. This robust CMS platform provides you with attention-grabbing tools and features that make it easier for you to design, organize, optimize, and share the content with just one click. 

This also enables you to add multimedia on pages and blog posts, which assists you in generating attention-grabbing content that matches the niche audience and enhances business leads.

Reason 8: Build-in Blogging Feature

In the beginning, WordPress was originally used for blogging and gradually added advanced features that can make a website look appealing and optimized for users once it gained popularity. It was popular for website development features, which is another reason why WordPress is better than other CMS platforms. 

If you are looking forward to sharing your thoughts and ideas with potential audiences, then WordPress is the appropriate choice for you to spread your knowledge through blog posts. You can avail yourself of the opportunity to make a blog with WordPress due to its built-in blogging feature from the time of launch.

Reason 9: Scalability

You will feel the demand for a fully functional and fast-loading website if you want to expand your business rapidly. WordPress offers exclusively wide plugins and easy-to-use website architecture for handling websites of any size whether it’s large or small.

Its scalability feature will allow you to expand your own website or business, whether it’s designing a complex e-commerce site or initiating a blog. Its scalability acts as the vital reason why WordPress is better than other CMS.

Reason 10: Social Media Integration

Another major feature of WordPress that you should choose is its social media or other third-party services integration. You can get a variety of options, such as plugins and widgets, to connect social media platforms if you want to integrate them with your website. 

This allows you to handle various activities over social media, such as commenting, images, or content posting, 

Social media acts as one of the vital factors in the success of all digital businesses. This feature boosts your online visibility by enhancing your website management. You can also share and promote your services and products which help you to boost your personal brand.

Reason 11: Availability of Plugins

There are more than thousand plugins are there for WordPress. They boosts the overall performance and popular features of your website. A plugin is always there for any need, whether it a contact form or SEO tools. 

Handling and installing plugins is very easy to access. Without the need of using code or prior coding knowledge, they help you to customize your website. WordPress is a very effective as  well as flexible tool due of its broad library of plugins.

Reason 12: Themes For Each Purpose

A wide range of themes are offered through WordPress. Have you ever imagine that you will be getting themes for all you needs regarding Blogs, portfolios, businesses, and more in this platform. Each theme is build upon a specific reason. Picking a design that resonates with your needs is made easy by this particular CMS platform.. 

You can edut them by changing the colors and adjusting layouts of various themes to match your preferences. By his, you can create a different and catchy look of your website.

Wrapping Up,

WordPress is the most popular CMS which comes with multiple easy-to-use plugins and features. This robust, free, and open-source CMS platform provides unmatched flexibility and manages a huge community of users. 

We are very grateful for its user-friendly interface and different customization features. Business organizations nowadays are picking WordPress development services among other CMS. 

You can come across various CMS platforms, but still, WordPress does its job better when it comes to saving time, money, effort, and resources.

I am hoping that I have solved all your doubts and thirst regarding why WordPress is better than other CMS in this entire article. 

If you are satisfied with all the information I have discussed above and have more queries regarding this, let me know in the comments below!

FAQs on 12 Major Reasons Why WordPress is better than other CMS

WordPress is considered the most popular CMS platform for building 36% of top websites to date. More than 500 websites are made and designed using robust functionality features as well.

Yes, you can use WordPress for developing and designing large websites due to its scalability feature. It is able to manage higher traffic volume with the help of its scalability feature effectively.

WordPress Offers multiple features to boost website performance, and those include a User-Friendly Interface, Free and Open Source, the Most Affordable, Simple & Easy Content Management, SEO Friendly features, Robust Security Features, More Functionality at the Budget, Build-in Blogging Features, Scalability, and Social Media Integration.

This is why WordPress is better than other CMS and you must choose it over others. 

Shopify can be used as an alternative to WordPress for digital e-commerce stores. It allows you to design robust e-commerce stores that attract more clients and boost business.

Yes, WordPress is free to use as it is an open course platform. You can install multiple plugins and themes free of cost while building websites. 

Joomla is considered the second-best CMS platform after WordPress for offering robust functionality and flexible features, which are essential for website development. 

There are two types of WordPress that are considered best for building and designing robust websites, and those include WordPress.org and WordPress.com.